18 Mar Spring is here!
Winter is finally bidding us farewell and while we’re waiting for the sun, now is the time to start planning for your summer garden. Whether that’s getting the gardening gloves back out to get some post-winter maintenance completed or adding some new outdoor features, this is the ideal time of year to start getting those plans into action. Effort now will make sure you have your best garden ever this summer.
Sow Far, Sow Good
Planning for some new additions to your outside space is best done while the garden is still relatively bare. Shapes and layout are easier to distinguish. Could some new planters to sow and plant in now for a riot of summer colour add more structure to your garden? Our planters add focal points and using our bespoke service, are suitable for all spaces. Add new life with pots for the patio or planters to start a herb or small vegetable plot.
Take a look at our planters.
Just Add Fire
A fire pit or chiminea is another perfect addition to your garden. Planning for one now will ensure year round benefit of an outdoor fire of your own. A tonic after hard work in the garden during spring and a place to entertain around once the summer’s here.
Cooking outdoors is becoming more and more popular. A pizza oven is suitable for far more than just a margherita or two, not that there’s anything wrong with that classic! Installation now allows for more al fresco opportunities this coming year.
Storing logs to feed the fire need not be an after thought either, choose a log store that’s a stunning sculpture and outdoor feature in itself for interest all year round.
View our chimineas, pizza ovens and log stores.
Notes on Corten
Corten steel is designed to weather and age, developing a stunning orange burnish that protects the steel against our great British weather. Installing planters and chimineas in the winter will allow the steel to develop over the colder months, giving you a beautifully burnished piece by the time the sun’s lingering longer over the garden. If you don’t want to wait then talk to us about pre-weathering your piece for you.